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By September 2, 2022Medical Animation

Right Shoulder Shoulder Anatomy

right shoulder shoulder anatomy

If you’re looking for a better understanding of the right shoulder Shoulder anatomy, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more about the glenohumeral joint, Labrum, Superior glenohumeral ligament, and Coracohumeral ligament. These structures are critical for proper shoulder movement and health.

Glenohumeral Joint

The glenohumeral joint in the right shoulder can be damaged and cause pain. It is a common ailment and affects as many as 16% to 20% of the elderly population. It is characterized by degeneration of the joint, bone lesions and inflammation of the protective synovial layer. Over time, this type of arthritis can lead to changes in shoulder mechanics, causing significant pain and mobility issues.

The glenohumeral joint is surrounded by the axillary nerve, which runs around the surgical neck of the humerus. Injury to this nerve can cause loss of sensation in the badge area and the deltoid muscle. The rotator cuff muscles also play an important role in stabilising the glenohumeral joint. Because of this, these muscles are frequently subjected to excessive stress. Consequently, there is an increased risk of rotator cuff injury and pathology. Tendinitis and shoulder impingement are common. Additionally, a sub-acromial bursa can develop from overuse of the rotator cuff muscles.

Surgery to repair the damaged joint may be necessary if other treatments are not sufficient. Some nonsurgical treatments may include ice therapy, physical therapy and corticosteroids. Some patients may also benefit from glucosamine or chondroitin supplements. However, glucosamine and chondroitin supplements may not work for everyone and can interact with other medications.


A labrum tear is a serious problem. It can cause a partial or full dislocation of the shoulder. The labrum is a specialized cartilage tissue that reinforces the ball-and-socket joint between the humerus and glenoid bone. It also serves as the attachment point for the rotator cuff tendons. Tearing the labrum can lead to a painful partial shoulder dislocation and may require surgery.

A labrum tear can be treated using an arthroscopic procedure. This involves placing a small device (sling) around the shoulder joint to aid in recovery. This device is worn for four to six weeks. It is important to make sure you use it appropriately and regularly to maximize the healing of your labrum. The duration of your sling will depend on the severity of the tear and your age.

The surgery can help relieve the pain and discomfort associated with the shoulder. In severe cases, the surgeon may opt to perform an open surgery, which involves creating a larger incision to access the damaged area. The recovery time varies from patient to patient, but it typically takes a few weeks for the incisions to heal.

After a successful labrum repair, the shoulder will be regained with a range of motion. During this period, patients should refrain from lifting heavy objects or engaging in heavy activity. Physical therapy after a shoulder surgery should be gentle but not too aggressive. While the recovery period may take some time, a patient should not attempt to resume activities that stress the shoulder. If a patient does not follow this advice, a surgery may not be successful.

Superior Glenohumeral Ligament

The superior glenohumeral ligament in the right shoulder is the most commonly injured of the four ligaments of the glenohumeral complex. It is formed by the in-foldings of the glenohumerus capsule and the anterior and posterior bands of the glenoid. It extends from the glenoid to the region of the anatomical neck of the humerus.

The superior glenohumeral ligament is a complex structure with numerous attachments. Each band is anchored on the humerus and glenoid, and the subscapularis tendon runs anteriorly across the humerus. The ligament itself is very thick and consists of two bands and two bundles of collagen.

There are three ligaments that reinforce the anterior glenohumeral capsule. The superior glenohumeral ligament connects the anterosuperior labrum to the top of the bicipital groove, and the inferior glenoid attaches to the inferomedial aspect of the humerus. These three ligaments are relatively constant in size between people, but their location and orientation varies greatly.

The position and length of the superior glenohumeral ligament is crucial in stabilizing the joint. Anatomical studies have shown that it is crucial for stability and movement in the shoulder. It is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder at 90 degrees abduction and external rotation.

The Superior glenohumeral ligament of the right shoulder limits flexion, external rotation, and posterior translation. Biceps also has a similar function, limiting flexion and inferior translation of the humerus head.

Coracohumeral Ligament

The coracohumeral ligament in the right shoulder is a major stabilizing ligament of the shoulder joint. It is approximately five times as long and two to three times as strong as the glenohumeral ligament. Surgical resection of the ligament has been successfully performed in some cases.

The coracohumeral ligament is an extra-articular structure that originates from the base of the coracoid process and inserts into the greater tubercle of the humerus. It is made up of two types of fibers: superficial and deep.

Surgical release of the coracohumeral ligament significantly improved glenohumeral joint motion. It improved flexion-external range and decreased pain due to contracture of the joint. In addition, releasing the coracohumeral ligament may improve range-of-motion of the glenohumeral joint. In this study, we have identified a new method of assessing coracohumeral ligament elongation that does not require surgical intervention.

The coracohumeral ligament is a complex structure. It connects the humerus and glenoid, preventing anterior shoulder dislocation. Its two bands are intimately fused with the capsule. Its free edge overlaps the capsule. Moreover, it provides support for the superior part of the joint capsule.

The thickness of the CHL may restrict internal rotation. In addition to restricting internal rotation, a thick CHL may also limit horizontal flexion. It may also prevent the patient from using the hand behind his back and performing abduction.

Superior Glenoid Tubercle Of Scapula

The glenohumeral joint and the scapula are connected by a capsule called the glenoid. The humerus’s anterior and inferior ends insert into the scapular neck, while the superior and posterior sides of the scapula blend into the glenoid labrum. The scapula’s supraglenoid tubercle is located on the long head of the biceps brachii.

The scapula is a triangular bone with three processes. The acromion, which lies on the back of the scapula, can be palpated on the patient. The scapula’s coracoid process is a thick, curved structure that connects to the glenoid tubercle. It serves as the origin of the long head of the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii.

The superior glenoid tubercle of the scapula is the most commonly injured part of the shoulder. While the superior glenoid tubercle of a right shoulder is usually not fractured, it may become displaced. In this situation, it is important to consult with a physician to determine what’s causing the pain and how to treat it.

The scapula is a complex joint. The humerus rests on the scapula, which connects the upper limb to the trunk. As a result, the shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the body, but it is still limited in its stability. The anatomy of the shoulder joint is outlined below.

Lesser Tubercle Of Humerus

Radiography of the shoulder should show the bones and soft tissue of the shoulder. The scapulohumeral joint, glenoid fossa and lesser and greater tubercles of the humerus should be visible. The humerus head should be visible in both a literal and posterolateral view. The radiographic images should also show a Rafert modification of the humerus.

A radiograph of the right shoulder revealed a fractured lesser tuberosity displaced caudal to the glenoid. The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation surgery. Afterward, the patient regained normal shoulder function. Lesser tuberosity fractures are uncommon and usually associated with fractures of the proximal humerus.

The proximal humerus is a common site for fractures, particularly in older patients with osteoporosis. There are two fracture patterns, the classic four-part fracture, and the valgus-impacted fracture. The latter type has an increased risk of osteonecrosis, while the former has a higher prognosis.

The lesser tubercle is located medial to the greater tubercle on the proximal end of the humerus. It sits between the two and is a prominent landmark. The lesser tubercle is a smaller knob that sits closer to the midline.

The lesser tubercle is more prominent than the greater tubercle. It is located in the front portion of the humerus and is orientated medially and anteriorly. It is distinguished from the greater tubercle by an intertubercular sulcus.


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