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By August 21, 2022Medical Animation

How To Create After Effects Letter-Writing Stroke Animations

stroke animations

There are several ways to create your own letter-writing stroke animation. Some of these techniques are very straightforward and require no special software. But for more advanced techniques, you can use software such as Animate, RotoPaint, or Dash patterns. These will help you create stunning animated letters. Read on to learn more about these techniques. And remember to follow the tutorials provided by these companies to ensure that your animated letters are a success.

After Effects

There are three basic ways to create After Effects stroke animations. In this article, I’ll show you how to create each one. After Effects strokes can create three different looks and styles. This makes them an incredibly versatile tool in your video production arsenal. Here’s how to get started:

Create multiple strokes on text is a complicated task, but it can be done. After Effects’ ‘Stroke Effect’ tool makes this task much easier. To create multiple strokes, select each letter in the text layer and click ‘Create Shapes from Text’. Then, turn off the fill for each layer. Choose the stroke and adjust the keyframes as necessary. The final result should look like letter-writing itself.

After Effects has many new tools to help you create motion graphics. Waves and tapered strokes are great examples of these. The new Tapered Strikes feature is an excellent addition to the toolbox. While you might struggle to create organic waves or stylized environments, the software is surprisingly intuitive to use. After you’ve learned the basics of animation, you’ll be surprised by the possibilities! To get started, you can download free project files and follow along with this tutorial.

Creating a 3D text layer is easy with After Effects’ new ‘Animated Shapes’ feature. Using these shapes will make it much easier to create stunning animated characters. You can even use the new ‘Elements’ feature, which will automatically create keyframe icons that resemble the strokes you use in your video. After Effects can now support more Nvidia cards and support for the newest 3D format.


You can animate a shape or stroke on multiple frames. The keyframes are automatically created by RotoPaint whenever you change the shape or stroke. Adding an animation is as easy as setting the appropriate settings in the tool. The toolbar will show you the frames and points to work with. You can use the Accuracy parameter to adjust how accurate you want your stroke to be. This value will determine how many points will appear in the stroke.

Animating brush strokes is easy with RotoPaint. You can use a shape in a plate to follow the movements of the stroke. You can also use the rotopaint node to animate the growth of strokes. There are some limitations though. For example, the strokes of BSplines are not animated yet. However, you can use a roto shape to animate an arbitrary stroke.

Once you’ve created a roto subject, you can place it on a new background or video layer. You can then apply scaling and color correction. Deleted roto instances will automatically be deleted, but you can create new ones if you need to. However, it’s important to note that you’ll have to remove a span before you use it again in a new instance.

When using RotoPaint, you must have at least NUKE 6.0 to create the animations you need. The application also provides a range of useful tools for animating paint strokes. For example, you can use it to create animated spheres and ellipses. It can also be used to create complex shapes. When adjusting the stroke of a node, you can also use the Tracker node to change the shape.


To animate strokes, create an object and then use the Trim Paths attribute to determine where the animation should start and end. You can also animate a stroke by adding a keyframe. To animate a single stroke, set the Start and End properties to 0% and 100%. Once you’ve selected your strokes, you can animate them in the same direction, or swap their directions to change the speed.

To add a textured stroke, drag a new shape onto the first layer. It should appear gray. Press Command C to copy the newly copied path, then Command V to paste it onto the rest of the layers. You may need to adjust the keyframes of individual layers. Once you’ve added a stroke, you can adjust the color of the stroke. You can also scale the stroke to add extra dimension. You can even adjust the stroke’s shape using the transform options, too.

You can animate SVG strokes with the Parallax component. You can either manually animate the strokes or use an automatic animation method. To do so, you must add the uk-parallax attribute to the parent element. The animation option will be available when applying to a rect, circle, path, and path. There are several options available to adjust the animation speed. If you have a few strokes, you can even make them appear as multiples.

When using the skeletal strokes option, you can also change the color of a letter in different ways. You can use a linear gradient to animate a single letter, while a radial stroke will change color in a circular path. You can specify different properties for radial and linear gradients. Animate also provides additional control for using these options with Flash Player. In addition, you can define overflow modes to specify how colors are applied beyond the gradient.

Dash Pattern

There are two main types of dash pattern animations, sequential and simultaneous. Sequential style runs step by step, which can be helpful when presenting complex concepts or presentations. Simultaneous style plays all steps at once. You can play around with the duration of each style to find the best one for your dashboard application. The quicker the animations are, the more responsive they will be, while a slower animation may appeal to a different audience.

To make dash pattern animations, you should use the stroke-dasharray property. It uses a mathematical formula to calculate the sum of the dash pattern array. When you use the stroke-dasharray property, the dash pattern overlaps at the shape’s circumference. The stroke start and end meet here. Use the reduce option to change the spacing between dashes, if desired. Dash patterns can be animated to be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Another important attribute is stroke-dashoffset. It specifies the position at which the dash pattern should begin. When CSS is applied to SVG paths, this attribute controls how far the dash begins. You can use the stroke-dasharray attribute to apply stroke-based animations to SVG paths. You can also use stroke-dasharray to set the dash lengths to the path’s length. These attributes are useful for achieving animations of SVG elements that follow paths.

Positioning Of Points

The position of a point in a stroke animation can be controlled using the keySplines attribute. This attribute takes the coordinates of the points that are selected. The screenshot below shows an example. The points are colored in the same color as the stroke itself. The keySplines attribute determines the pace of keyframe animations. To make your stroke animation more flexible, you can set a number of keyframes, each with a different pace.

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