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By September 6, 2022Medical Animation

Pressure Ulcers Stages

pressure ulcers stages

Pressure ulcers stages are caused by pressure on the skin and can progress to the bones and muscles. They are highly susceptible to infection and can even be life-threatening. People with limited mobility or who use prosthetic limbs are particularly susceptible to pressure injuries. These devices are often poorly fitted and can cause irritation. People with loss of sensation are also at risk, as they may not feel the pressure on their skin. Inactivity can also worsen the damage.

Stage 2

Stage 2 pressure ulcers require prompt treatment to prevent further damage. The initial strategy involves redistributing pressure from the affected area to other parts of the body. Rotating the patient and ensuring that their body is properly supported should also be considered. Additionally, technology should be incorporated to assist with wound care.

The appearance of a stage 2 pressure ulcer is similar to that of a stage one ulcer. It is red, beefy, and may have drainage. It may also be deep and involve subcutaneous fat. The area should be kept clean and moist. A special cream or gel is applied twice daily to the affected area to help it heal. An antibiotic may also be prescribed to prevent further damage and infection.

A stage two pressure ulcer is more visible than a stage one ulcer. It may look like a small abrasion or a crater. If left untreated, it can infect the heart, blood vessels, and even bones. This can be life-threatening and can result in amputation. Stage three ulcers are craters that reach deep into the hypodermis and show obvious signs of infection.

The primary goal of care for a stage two pressure ulcer is to cover the affected area, protect it, and keep it clean. In order for a stage two pressure ulcer to heal, the pressure should be reduced. Proper nutrition and hydration are also important. Patients should also be repositioned frequently and keep their wounds clean.


Pressure ulcers can be categorized into three stages: stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. Stage 2 ulcers are not very serious, involving only damaged skin, while stage 3 ulcers are much more serious, affecting fatty tissue and bones beneath the skin. Stage 3 ulcers require special attention, and may require antibiotic therapy or surgical removal of dead tissue.

Stage 3 ulcers contain slough and eschar, while Stage 4 ulcer may be full-thick. At this stage, it is possible for the ulcer to extend under the skin or through the skin, and may expose bone, muscle, or tendon. In severe cases, the wound may even tunnel or undermine. Stage 4 pressure ulcers should be removed immediately.

Pressure ulcers can be classified into three stages: stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. Stage 1 ulcers are covered in eschar or slough, while stage 2 ulcers have no slough or eschar. For a stage 2 ulcer to be classified as unstageable, it must be visible at its base.

Stage 4 pressure ulcers need immediate attention and may require surgery. While most stage 4 ulcers heal within three to six months, others may require surgery and may take years to heal. In addition to these staged pressure ulcers, there are also unstageable pressure ulcers. Symptoms of stage 4 ulcers include full-thick skin loss, exposed bone, undermining, and tunneling. Stage 4 pressure ulcers may include eschar or slough. Eschar is firmer than the surrounding skin and may be white, yellow, or tan in color.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for pressure ulcer stages can vary depending on the severity of the condition and its stage. In stage one, the ulcer is confined to the skin. By stage two, it may have spread to the subcutaneous tissue layer. Stage three ulcers may show signs of undermining and tunneling. In stage four, they may reach the muscles, tendons, or joints.

Treatment for pressure ulcers in the second stage is based on the condition of the wound. This type of pressure ulcer has broken the top layer of the skin and is often accompanied by drainage and fluid leakage. The wound may extend into the fatty subcutaneous tissue. The sore may also be accompanied by fever, redness, or blackened tissue.

Pressure ulcer treatments include local wound care and treatments aimed at reducing their size and severity. In some cases, surgical repair may be necessary. Other types of treatment include adjunctive therapies and combined therapy. For more comprehensive information, you can refer to a systematic review. The methodological framework used for these reviews is based on an analytic framework developed by key informants, including clinicians, wound care researchers, and patient advocates.

Stage three and four pressure ulcers may require surgery. Most of these ulcers heal on their own with conservative treatment, but if the wound does not heal properly, surgical reconstruction may be needed. The surgeon may perform a microvascular flap, pedicled flaps, or a simple skin graft. For this procedure, the patient needs to be in a stable state and without any complications.

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