Posterior View of Spinal Cord
The posterior view of spinal cord is often referred to as somatotopic representation. It shows the axons entering the cord in lateral positions near the midline. The cauda equina and lateral divisions are also visible in the view. This view is the most common of the three views of the spinal cord.
Anterior View Of Spinal Cord
In the Anterior view of the spinal cord, the spine appears as a single curved segment. Its diameter varies from 13 mm in the cervical region to 6.4 mm in the thoracic region. Spinal cord injuries are a frightening prospect for emergency department clinicians. Fortunately, there are several ways to approach a spinal cord injury.
The anterior part of the spinal cord is marked by a median fissure. The two-thirds of the spinal cord face the front of the body and are classified as the anterior cord. It contains sensory and motor nuclei. This portion is supplied by distinct blood vessels and an occlusion in one artery will affect only one area.
Lateral Division
In a posterior view of the spinal cord, you can see the lateral division of the spinal cord. The lateral division is bounded by the anterior and posterior horns. It is composed of gray matter and contains the motor and sensory nuclei. The gray matter is divided into three horns, with the posterior horn responsible for sensory processing while the anterior horn sends motor commands to the skeletal muscles. The lateral horn is found only in the upper lumbar and thoracic regions and is a central component of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.
This area of the spinal cord is shaped like a diamond. Its outer end is the conus medullaris, which tapers down at the level of the L1-L2 intervertebral disc. In this region, a bundle of nerve roots called the cauda equina arises.
Anterior Funiculus
The anterior funiculus of the spinal cord is an anatomical structure. It is located between the anterior root fibers and the anterior median fissure and contains ascending and descending tracts of nerve fibers. In the seventh edition of the Miller-Keane Encyclopedia, this structure is defined as:
The posterior funiculus lies between the posterior median sulcus and the posterolateral sulcus. It is further subdivided by the posterior intermediate sulcus and the fasciculus gracilis. It contains large myelinated nerve fibers that originate from the posterior root ganglion cells. They innervate deep tissues and sensory receptors in the skin.
Cauda Equina
The posterior view of the spinal cord shows the cauda equina, a bundle of nerves that runs down the spine. This section of the spinal cord can become pinched and cause pain in the lower back, genital area, and rectum. It can also cause weakness or lack of sensation in the lower leg.
This part of the spinal cord receives both somatic and parasympathetic nerve impulses. This area has a role in bladder and bowel function and controls the urethral sphincter and the anal sphincter. These functions help maintain continence. Learning about the spinal cord can be challenging, but spinal cord diagrams are helpful for understanding the various areas of the spinal cord.
Ventral Root Fibers
The ventral root fibers in the posterior view of the spinal cord are examined histologically to determine their proportion. These roots extend from the fourth cervical segment to the second sacral segment. The unmyelinated fibers are counted, and the ratio of unmyelinated to myelinated fibers is calculated. In this study, the unmyelinated fibers were considered to be approximately one-tenth of the total fibers.
The ventral root fibers are white in color and divide into two branches called rami. The dorsal ramus innervates the deep muscles of the back, and the ventral ramus innervates the upper and lower limbs. The ventral ramus contains multiple branches and connects the autonomic ganglia.
Anterior White Commissure
The anterior white commissure is a structure that develops as part of the spinal cord. It is composed of white matter tracts that run parallel to the coronal and sagittal planes. These tracts relay information from one side of the spinal cord to the other. The structure appears to be most extensive at the lumbosacranial level.
Pain, temperature, and proprioception are all sensory inputs that cross over the anterior white commissure. Lesions in this region affect these functions. Patients with a lesion in this region experience opposite-sided pain, loss of temperature, and loss of proprioception.
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