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Medical Animations, Virtual Surgery, and Surgical Procedures Simple to Understand.

Make Medical Animations, Virtual Surgery, and Surgical Procedures that are Simple to Understand and to create

corona virus visualization 3d rendering animation video medical healthcare

At , we develop highly effective medical 3D Animation and Virtual Reality to help your staff, physicians, patients, and investors effectively communicate visually their products and offerings. Our custom 3D Visualizations help educate patients about their healthcare options.


We offer a wide variety of Visualization and Animation Services including but not limited to:

  • Cardiology
  • Urology and Gynecology
  • Dermatology
  • General Surgery
  • Orthopedic
  • Pharmacology and Molecular Medicine
  • Medical Device
  • Maxillofacial / ENT
  • And More…

custom medical 3d animation company

Why ? We’ve been producing 3D Animations since 2007. With well over a decade of experience we have visuals down to a science. We house highly trained medical animators, software developers, illustrators, motion graphics artists, script writers, and have trusted clinicians we work with that all work together to form the best team around. We’ve been creating animation for a global community from the US, France, Australia, Germany, and many other countries. There’s almost nothing we can’t create. Imagination is unlimited. Best of all we don’t just produce technical visualizations, we know how to tell great stories. Combine our award-winning technical medical animation team with our creative and storytelling team, and you get quite an effective Marketing Video that communicates well, is medically accurate, and that keeps you engaged while you watch.




Accuracy And Quality is our #1 Priority

We have a collaborative approach to our visuals, meaning we will guide you every step of the way to produce your dream video. Since we’re always by your side, educating you about the animation process, and discussing your project needs continuously, this means your project will be precisely what you envisioned.


Use Cases

Some of our clients want to use us to create a custom Medical Animated Video for Marketing efforts. In these cases our clients sometimes have medical devices they just invented, for example Aerin Medical. This company was reinventing a procedure that was less invasive that other traditional methods to fix snoring. They needed a marketing video and patient education video that could show in a simple way, how their Nasal Septal Procedure worked. See resulting video below.


Or in another example, our client had produced a Drainage Kit and needed a Patient Education Guide to help Patients use an enema device. The results are that our client was very happy with their resulting Animation. It accurately explained the Drainage Procedure and become an effective messaging tool they still use today.

cpr training animation graphics

When Quality and Accuracy with your Medical Animation is number one Priority, Think,  ( A division of ) Reach out and contact us by email at or call us direct +1-512-591-8024