Video Project Overview

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    Animation of cardiac arteries and the human vein anatomy are among the useful tools for physicians and health educators.  As more and more payors switch to satisfaction based pay skills, it is urgently important to understand that :

    Work on patient experience of care surveys shows a very strong relationship between patient compliance and high “satisfaction,”  Getting compliance means raising the health literacy and understanding among patients.

    In other words, physicians complaining that patients are non-compliant are most likely physicians who would have poor patient satisfaction/experience of care survey results.

    Animated videos like those made by have been found to be effective in providing information, particularly for minority populations with low health literacy.


    The transition away from a provider-dominated system increasingly presents satisfaction scores, business transparency and user ratings… some of which are closely tied to compensation.  Let us help you build satisfaction through patient education.

    The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defines health literacy as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.”Nearly half of American adults struggle to function in the healthcare system due to low levels of health literacy

    Because animation is typically perceived as non-threatening, familiar and accessible across age groups, cultures and literacy levels, it may hold the attention of viewers and enhance recall. In addition, animation has been shown to be more effective than live-action as an educational tool because it gives filmmakers’ greater control over presentation, characterization, staging and timing, making it a powerful medium for conveying symbolic theories and concepts.

    There is evidence that when compared to written materials alone, cartoon illustrations and pictographs have been more successful in improving patient recall, comprehension of consent materials, satisfaction with care and compliance, particularly among low literacy populations.

    A prospective randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of written materials versus animation found the latter to have significantly improved post-intervention levels of knowledge and long term retention of health information among study participants. This study addresses a gap in the existing literature regarding the acceptability of animation as a novel information tool to enhance health research literacy among minority health care consumers by making information about clinical research more accessible to them in a culturally concordant fashion. The unique health information needs of minority health care consumers and research participants, and the urgency of increasing minority representation in clinical research, make these findings both timely and significant.

    (Data Source: Forbes magazine.)

    Medical 3d Animation Company brings you an experienced team of specialists including award-winning writers, animators, graphic designers, concept artists, producers, and technical directors. We specialize in healthcare related, scientifically accurate, high-quality, concept-to-launch 3D animation, architectural renderings, television commercials, web commercials, videography, live video  and visual effects for a local and global client base.

    Have a project you’d like to discuss? Contact us today:

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